Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Three Essay Questions

1. 1977 A character's attempt to recapture or to reject the past is important in
many plays, novels, and poems.  Choose a literary work in which a
character views the past with such feelings as reverence, bitterness, or
longing. Show with clear evidence from the work how the character's view
of the past is used to develop a theme in the work.

2. 1973     An effective literary work does not merely stop or cease; it concludes.
In the view of some critics, a work that does not provide the pleasure of
significant closure has terminated with an artistic fault.  A
satisfactory ending is not, however, always conclusive in every sense;
significant closure may require to the reader to abide with or adjust to
ambiguity and uncertainty.  In an essay discuss the end of a novel or play
of acknowledged literary merit.  Explain precisely how and why the ending
appropriately or inappropriately concludes the work.  Do not merely
summarize the plot.

3. 1982 In great literature, no scene of violence exists for its own sake. Choose a
work of literary merit that confronts the reader or audience with a scene or
scenes of violence. In a well-organized essay, explain how the scene or scenes
contribute to the meaning of the complete work. Avoid plot summary.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Plan for AP Test/In-class Equivalant

-Studying the exam practices and references on the blog
-Studying all the lit terms
-Writing some of the open essay prompts
-Studying with my partner
-Devote a few hours a week to studying

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Macbeth Lecture Notes

-rise and fall of a man
-at the start Macbeth is well liked
-he starts doing things he wouldn't normally do
-ends up hallucinating in front of people, this makes him seem crazy
-hated in the end, his wife dies and he is left to fight alone

-has a good life, but isn't enough for him
-looks at both the good and bad in his life
-he always seems to want more

Lady Macbeth
-the dominant one in her and Macbeth's relationship
convinces Macbeth to do things he normally wouldn't
        -ex. kill Duncan
-tells Macbeth to be more "manly"
-ends up committing suicide 

-when in Duncan's room Macbeth hesitates
-Duncan wakes up to find Macbeth standing over him forcing Macbeth to kill him
-when Macbeth becomes king he becomes corrupt
-he kills whoever he has to in order to gain power
-his conscience makes him paranoid